Lightgallery arrows not showing up
Lightgallery arrows not showing up

lightgallery arrows not showing up
  1. #Lightgallery arrows not showing up install
  2. #Lightgallery arrows not showing up code
  3. #Lightgallery arrows not showing up license

  • data-pinterest-text: Description for Pinterest postĤ.
  • By default, current browser URL will be taken. Specify only if you want to provide separate share URL for the specific slide.

    lightgallery arrows not showing up

  • data-pinterest-share-url: Pinterest share URL.
  • visit my site and explore portfolio images displayed in Lightgallery mode.
  • data-googleplus-share-url: GooglePlus share URL. Hi Mert, Im having an issue with Lightgallery.
  • When configuring with controls:false the following err.

    lightgallery arrows not showing up

    When configuring with lightGallery with controls: true the controls are not showing, but no errors. Specify only if you want to provide separate share URL for the specific slide. I seem to have an issue with the controls. data- twitter-share-url: Twitter share Facebook share URL.used in zoom plugin to see the actual size of the image when you doubleclick on the image. data-width: Actual size of the image in px.Pass false if you want to hide the download button. data-download-url: Download url for your image/ Set true is you want to open your url in an List of images and viewport's max width separated by comma.Ex: img/1-375.jpg 375, img/1-480.jpg 480, img/1-757.jpg Poster image for your video.

    #Lightgallery arrows not showing up code

    With this option, your source code is kept proprietary.

    #Lightgallery arrows not showing up license

    License Commercial license If you want to use lightGallery to develop commercial sites, themes, projects, and applications, the Commercial license is the appropriate license.

  • data-html: id or class name of an object(div) which contain your html. lightGallery supports all major browsers including IE 10 and above.
  • data-sub-html-url: url of the file which contain your sub html.
  • data-sub-html: id or class name of an object(div) which contain your sub html.
  • href: the large version of your image/video.
  • data-src: the large version of your image/video.
  • Create an image/video gallery with Html5 data-* attributes. Or load the core JavaScript and optional extensions of your choice in the document. Load the latest version of jQuery library together with jQuery lightGallery plugin's CSS and javascript in the document. the next and previous slider images on hovering the arrows with album. The resource you are linking to is using the http protocol, which may not work when the browser is using https.

    #Lightgallery arrows not showing up install

    Arrows, thumbnails and keyboard navigation. light gallery master display, it easy to install the module using the Joomla.Supports youtube & vimeo videos, not just images.The Vanilla JavaScript Version is available here. Light Gallery is a lightweight, elegant, responsive, mobile-friendly jQuery JavaScript plugin for displaying an image/ video gallery in a fullscreen lightbox with CSS3 transition effects.

    Lightgallery arrows not showing up