Empire of the rising sun tank buster
Empire of the rising sun tank buster

empire of the rising sun tank buster

Since the Soviets are known for their heavy firepower and brute force, hence, they will use V4 Rocket luanchers if you dare try to stop their MASSIVE ARMY assualts (tanks and infantry), it is their true strength of the Soviet Red Army, but King Onis and Wave Force Artillaries might be able to stop them in their tracks, but back them up with your swifter infantry and anti air as well, You could start using King Onis to Bull rush right through the Soviet Army, this really hurts them pretty bad, but don't be afraid to use hit and run tactics even you have to, if anything, they will use Kirov Airships that is heading to your base, so use your commando to take them down, twinblades and sickles are lethal to your infantry. Tankbusters are a favorite unit against the Soviets, while Imperial Warriors are vastly superior when facing Conscripts.Īlways keep a safe amount of credits to counter the Soviet strategy. Use your flexibility to attack the Soviets from all sides.

#Empire of the rising sun tank buster series

Going head to head is not advised, but rather employ a series of assaults that will weather down the opponent. The Soviet War Machine has access to the most powerful Army in the world, and the best way to succeed against the Soviets is to exploit the weaknesses of their forces. Don't spend too much cash on Defender-VXs, as they're less versatile and cause less damage than Tengus but they are more durable.

  • Jet Tengus are the Empire's only good aircraft resistance.
  • But if you mix it up with Tankbusters and Imperial Warriors, you're more capable in dealing with threats from the air and the ground, including both infantry and armor. If you spam Mecha/Jet Tengus, the opponent will simply counter with their tanks such as Hammer Tanks and Bullfrogs.

    empire of the rising sun tank buster empire of the rising sun tank buster

    Mix it up! Imperial units have a relatively high cost because of their flexibility.Cut the money supply and you wield a devastating blow to their economy. If they can't get ore, they can't finance their bases or armies or expansion. Remember to guard your Nano Cores (Chopper VXs are good). You can send a Refinery Core (escorted with Defender Core) to further expansions while you keep the enemy pressured with your forces. If you want to take to the seas with Tsunami Tanks, back them up with sufficient anti-air and anti-infantry, a great choice would be the Mecha/Jet Tengu. Plan a strategy early on, but keep your forces flexible enough to incorporate any changes. More money and fast building means more units, more successful attacks and more victories. If you have three or more Refineries before your opponent even have one, you're ruling the game. The Soviets build their structures on the field, so you will have a general idea on what kind of units they are planning to produce. The Burst Drone can scout much more effectively than the Soviet War Bear and the Allied Attack Dog, as they hover over the battlefield.

    Empire of the rising sun tank buster